Sunday, November 22, 2009

Owning a Hamster

Hamsters are common household pets. They are inexpensive, fairly easy to care for, and also friendly. Hamsters are grouped as rodents and come in a variety of colors. The lifespan of the average hamster is 2-3 years. The three basic types of hamsters existing today include: The long-haired Teddy Bear hamster, the Golden Hamster, and the the colored, short-haired Fancy hamster. Also, the Chinese hamster, or also known as the dwarf hamster. Hamsters tend to sleep during the day, but can be active. Sometimes if wakened from sleep, they can have a cranky temperament. Hamsters also like to burrow, chew, and dig, so toys would be good for keeping them occupied. With hamsters, or any other pet, clean, good quality food must be provided. Many pet stores sell food pellets for small household pets, varying in price. A hamster may eat about 12 grams of food each day. Water should be held in bottles equipped with sipper tubes. But, if you would like to know any further information, you should ask a sales clerk at your local pet store.

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